Leverage AI-Powered Lead Gen that works 24/7 without you.

Our Artificial Intelligence tools generate more leads, make more sales, create more content,

attract more customers, and help you grow your business all on one platform without spending more on staff or marketing.

Want to see it in action?

Integrate with your existing

tools in a few clicks

How does it work?

In 1 hour - 1000+ new leads in your business!

Choose your ideal customers based on type, role or location

Find your perfect customer from the type of business they run, their role and location. Data is fresh, checked and sourced in real-time from multiple sources. Tick the ones you want to reach out to and let our artificial intelligence bots make contact.

Set your prospecting on autopilot

The proven and prebuilt outreach campaigns and artificial intelligence sort the disinterested from the interested for you. No more rejection! Moving prospects along or out of your sales pipeline in real-time via email, SMS and voicemail -all on autopilot.

Have your own AI booking appointments

Effortlessly manage your schedule with AI-powered booking. Say goodbye to endless emails and hello to more free time!

Broadcast and generate high converting social media content across all platforms

Leverage the power of AI to generate and schedule social media image, text and hashtags across all major social media platforms instantly.

With Astral Suite, You Will Be Able To:

Do it ALL with Astral Suite....

Our System Replaces the core functionality (and costs!) of all this software:

Real, Transparent Data.

Real Results.

Because our data is produced in real time and not scraped from a database, you can be assured that it is fresh, clean and real useable data.

Average Open Rate per 1000 emails sent


Average Click Rate per 1000 emails started


Average Deliverability per 1000 emails sent


Fitness Industry


Finance and Consulting


Frequently Asked Questions

We have the answers!

Do I get the email address for every single lead?

Yes, each company that is supplied in the search results with an email address is considered a lead. If an email address is not supplied, a credit is not used.

Do you have support if I get stuck?

Yes, we have a help desk and most questions are answered within 30 minutes or less, as well as 1:1 Zoom calls when required.

How much technical experience do I need to use Astral Suite

If you have a basic understanding of platforms such as calendly, wix, squarespace, you will easily be able to use our integrated software.

How are you different from other lead sourcing softwares?

All of our data is sourced in real-time, whereas other lead software use outdated and old databases which they sell over and over again.

Do you have training videos?

Yes, we have a complete walkthrough training course to help you get set up and feel confident to start selling.

Is your software a scraper?

We do not scrape any data as scraping is considered an illegal practice. We use API's and are transparent with all data sources to be sure that we are above reproach with email compliance laws.

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All Rights Reserved.